
Welcome! The Lord continues to call young people to dedicate the whole of their lives to his love and service, as when looking at the rich young man in the Gospel with love he said,

“Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.”
(Mark 10:21) 

If you feel the stirrings in your heart towards religious life, be not afraid! There are many graces in the discernment journey and many people and resources to help you embrace whatever call the Lord has given you. We are happy to help young women in discerning the vocation the Lord is inviting them to live.

Our community welcomes vocation inquiries from single, Catholic women, ages around 18-30, who are in good physical and mental health.  If you are a young woman interested in finding out more information about our community or would like to come on a retreat at Greyfriars, please send us your information below. Know that we are praying for you! God bless you.

Encounter Christ Retreats:
Single Catholic women aged 18-35 are invited to come away for a quiet weekend with Christ at Greyfriars Convent:

  • 17-19 November 2023
  • 15-17 March 2024